Av Publicerad på: mars 4, 2025Kategorier: News

Dioxins are environmental pollutants that belong to the Dirty Dozen, a group of harmful chemicals. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists dioxins as hazardous air pollutants. Over the past decade, the EPA has focused on controlling and reducing dioxin emissions and other persistent organic pollutants. This requires companies to reduce dioxin production and release into the environment.

Dioxins can be formed during biomass combustion in avfall till energi plants. Air pollution control systems play a critical role in ensuring companies reduce dioxin emissions. These technologies are essential to companies meeting regulatory requirements. LDX Solutions has extensive experience working with companies to provide the right systems to reduce emissions and meet compliance goals.

Key Technologies for Combating Dioxin Emissions

Installing and maintaining the right air pollution control systems is important for the ongoing operation of waste-to-energy plants. Implementing the right systems requires an evaluation of the plant including its current configurations as well as applicable regulatory standards. LDX Solutions works with our partners to ensure that the recommended technologies meet their air pollution control needs. While the right technology will depend on the specifics of the project, two key technologies that may be utilized for combating dioxin emissions are regenerative thermal oxidizers and activated carbon injection systems.

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers

Regenerativa termiska oxidationsmedel (RTO) are used for the destruction of volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants including dioxins. They are effective in high-temperature oxidation to destroy organic compounds.

Most RTOs are designed to achieve 95%-99% destruction removal efficiency. Destruction removal efficiency is the percentage of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) that are destroyed by the RTO. The high destruction efficiency is one of the many reasons that RTOs are a preferred technology for combating dioxin emissions. Another reason is the ability of RTOs to recover most of the thermal heat that is generated for VOCs and HAPs destruction.

Injektion av aktivt kol

Activated carbon injection (ACI) systems are also an effective technology for combating dioxin emissions. In an ACI system, powdered activated carbon is pneumatically injected from a storage silo into the flue gas ductwork. The powdered activated carbon adsorbs dioxins and other pollutants from the flue gas and is collected with the fly ash in the plant’s particulate collection device.

ACI systems are an effective and cost-efficient means to reduce dioxins and other emissions from most boilers. Depending on the other technology available, ACI systems can reduce emissions by more than 90%. LDX Solutions has extensive experience installing and upgrading ACI systems.

Combating Harmful Emissions from Waste-to-Energy Plants

Waste-to-energy plants generate their own emissions. Without the proper air pollution control technologies in place, harmful air pollutants can cause environmental issues and violate regulatory requirements. It is important to work with an experienced team that understands how to create solutions that can meet the unique challenges posed when combating harmful emissions from waste-to-energy plants.

LDX Solutions has the expertise necessary to both develop and install new systems as well as audit and upgrade existing systems. Our team has worked with plants across the globe to reduce harmful air pollution and meet regulatory requirements.

LDX Solutions has resolved issues for partners with large waste-to-energy plants. This includes one partner who had unsuccessfully upgraded their large waste-to-energy plant only to find that the upgrade did not actually reduce the plant’s harmful emissions. We worked with our partner to audit the existing system and provide the right equipment to combat the harmful emissions. From our initial inspection through final installation our team ensured that the technologies met regulatory requirements as well as the expectations of the plant and its surrounding community.

Kontakta LDX Solutions

LDX Solutions is a leader in air pollution control technologies. We provide custom solutions to fit compliance and performance needs. Our wide range of services and technologies includes systems to combat dioxin emissions from waste-to-energy plants. Are you ready to upgrade your existing system? Contact LDX-lösningar today.