Products & Solutions
Innovative Systems Proven Technologies
Acid Gas Control (Sox, HCI, HF)
We design & build custom air pollution control systems and have over half a century of experience successfully mitigating Acid Gases with our Dustex® and Geoenergy® product lines, including:
- Circulating Dry Scrubber
- Wet Scrubber
- Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI)

Aftermarket Parts & Service
We offer aftermarket parts, maintenance, and support services, not only for our own brand products but also for Original Equipment Manufacturers’ (OEM’s). We will minimize future costs, support compliance needs, and anticipate future concerns.
- Analysis/Assessments/Field Inspections
- Repair and Retrofit
- Replacement and Spare Parts
- Training
- Blowers
- Machinery Group

Chemical Processing
LDX Solutions has a variety of Lundberg® chemical processing solutions to address both byproduct recovery and chemical production requirements for various processes which can be repurposed for a broad range of industrial and commercial uses.
- White Liquor Oxidation
- Sulfur Burners
- Tall Oil Soap Recovery
- Turpentine Recovery
- Ash Treatment Systems

Energy Savings
LDX Solutions assist clients in reducing energy costs through efficient applications of our technologies, as well as through recovery & efficient use of waste heat and low-level energy sources further making us the best solution for your energy saving needs.
- Blow Heat Recovery
- TMP Heat Recovery
- Indirect Black Liquor Heating
- Digestor Heat Recovery

LDX Solutions designs Non-Condensable Gas handling systems for Concentrated, Dilute, and Stripper Off Gas systems. These systems are designed to meet the most stringent environmental regulations with the safest possible operations.
- NCG Systems
- Black Liquor Oxidation
- Condensate Stripping

LDX Solutions is the leading supplier of engineered modifications to existing evaporator systems. We have solutions for higher product solids, capacity increase, condensate segregation, steam economy improvement, and liquor carry over reduction.
- Multiple Effect Evaporators
- Crystallizers
- Pre-Evaporators
- Surface Condensors

Gas Temperature Control
The LDX Solutions team processes and determines the right types of heating or cooling methods. We custom design a solution suited to handle your specific application. LDX Solutions can help with these approaches based on what is best for your operation.
- Air-to-air Heat Exchanger
- Gas Conditioning Tower

General Offerings
LDX Solutions provides the best solutions for the wood products industry through our Western Pneumatics technology. With tens of thousands of systems installed all over the world, you can count on us for all your wood handling needs.

Mercury & Heavy Metals
When metal is mined it’s processed to remove potential byproducts of mercury emissions. We have addressed clients’ needs in many industries including: pulp and paper, coal fired boiler operations, biomass / power / WtE, cement, and diesel fume.
- Basics
- Dustex Activated Carbon Injection (ACI)

Particulate Matter Collection
LDX Solutions has grown from being a leader in portable reverse air dust collectors to a company that now provides a host of solutions for particulate matter. LDX Solutions has the expertise to bring uniquely valued solutions to any situation.
- Fabric Filter Dust Collector (Baghouse)
- Wet ESP
- Cyclones

VOCs are often a by-product of many manufacturing, drying, cleaning, and coating processes, printing, converting, painting, and cleaning processes. These VOCs must be controlled because VOCs are known to create health hazards in indoor space.
- Oxidizers – RTO
- Oxidizers – RCO
- Ceramic Media

Full-Service Engineering
From minor system modifications to turn-key project installation, LDX Solutions is your process design solution. Our full-service engineering and design capabilities include:
- Process development
- Mechanical design
- Piping design
- Civil/Structural design
- Electrical design
- Project and Construction Management
LDX Solutions’ engineers and fabricates all our major process equipment.

Full-Service Projects
LDX Solutions has successfully completed numerous engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) projects for our clients. We can deliver solutions that satisfy the requirements of each customer.
LDX Solutions managed EPC projects can produce the following benefits for our clients:
- Projects are completed safely, on time, and within budget
- Single source to provide all the necessary engineering and project management services eliminates the need for multiple consultants and contractors
- Tighter project integration reduces both project costs and timeline
- Full capability team offers services and support in design, construction, fabrication, procurement, quality, operator training and systems maintenance

LDX Product & Solutions for a Cleaner World
Find out how LDX Solutions can Optimize your Industry
LDX Solusions offers uparalleled service and life-cyccle support. Ask us how our Aftermarket team can keep you online and make you more profitable, regrdless of the equipment you currently use. There is no need to utilize multiple companies anymore. Tell us what you want and we can get you there. We offer design, custom fabrication, installation, onsite technicians, electrical panel building and more!