LDX Solutions is the trusted provider of air pollution control to the power industry
LDX Solutions brought their extensive 75 years of custom air pollution control experience to the Power Industry in 2007 and has successfully applied technologies for many applications:
- Industrial Coal Fired Boilers (spreader stoker & circulating bed)
- PC Fired Boiler Emission Controls & Dry/Semi-Dry SO2 Controls
- Coal Handling
- Coal Car Unloading Stations
- Waste-to-Energy Incinerators
These technologies have along, proven, track record of helping with almost any type of contaminant found in a power plant’s airstream:

Pellet Mill

Are You Interested in Analyzis, Assessment & Field Inspections?
The trusted partner for all your power needs
LDX Solutions had years of experience providing inspection and mechanical services to a wide range of partners across a myriad of industries. Our job is to find the big and small issues that will take equipment offline. We have parts for not only our engineered and patented systems but others as well.